
emotional regulation


Peace at heart Every year it seems that life just gets a little busier and every year I find I appreciate the importance of ‘re-charging’ a little more. Is it coincidence? Intuitively I know how important it is. All the science agrees, yet… MIDyear S.T.O.C.K.T.A.K.E The lure of a clothing bargain is so tempting and whether I need it or not, every new item adds a little more pressure to my bulging wardrobe.  Some of these purchases are not worn and conceal the items I love to wear.  Maybe you can relate? This got me thinking… THRIVE Series for Women […]


WARNING – Contagious

Mood-Flu No, this isn’t about a contagious illness but you can catch it quicker than a cold. Its the ‘Mood Flu’. I’m referring to how one bad mood can infect everyone in its path just like a small atomic bomb flattening everything within its radius. It’s like you have no control or will power to fight it and without warning (seemingly) it consumes you. When you’re infected you can feel irritable, moody and impatient (just like the real thing) showing most if not all of the signs and symptoms. I have experienced this from both side of the fence, and

WARNING – Contagious Read More »

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