


Peace at heart Every year it seems that life just gets a little busier and every year I find I appreciate the importance of ‘re-charging’ a little more. Is it coincidence? Intuitively I know how important it is. All the science agrees, yet… MIDyear S.T.O.C.K.T.A.K.E The lure of a clothing bargain is so tempting and whether I need it or not, every new item adds a little more pressure to my bulging wardrobe.  Some of these purchases are not worn and conceal the items I love to wear.  Maybe you can relate? This got me thinking… THRIVE Series for Women […]


Clarity, Confidence and Personal Insight

Have you accepted that your life is the way it is?  Does this make you happy?  What would you change, if you could? Whether you have the knowledge, skills and strategies or are new to ‘self-awareness’ the Women’s Personal Development Program is an opportunity to remind, update and add to your knowledge base or support you in the process.   Connect with other women, increase value & meaning; feel inspired & motivated in a safe, confidential and positive environment at an affordable price.   If this resonates with you, join us and I look forward to hearing from you.   x Rosetta  

Clarity, Confidence and Personal Insight Read More »


A recent poll asking “is there a difference between Confidence and Self-Esteem” resulted in a:- 94% Yes 6% No This clearly reflects a majority view that there is in fact a difference between the two. It can be difficult to define these terms as they can easily meld together.  One voter explained the difference like this:- “I think confidence is a feeling that you can do something, achieve something, know something… self esteem is how you feel about your self… sometimes they go together sometimes they don’t.  Sometimes you can be confident but have low self esteem.” It is valuable

When CONFIDENCE impacts SELF-ESTEEM Read More »

About Rosetta - Essential Difference Kinesiology

Why Kinesiology?

Why did I study Kinesiology over any other modality? Well Kinesiology was congruent with my experiences, observations and pretty much my life journey…. From the age of around 12 or 13 I walked the path of confusion, diversion, frustration feeling lost, alone, resentful, angry believing that there was no one that I could talk too who would understand, until early 20’s -perhaps a lot of teenagers go through this very same ‘developing’ period. I have been evolving ever since then from that ‘depressive’ time! However from adversity comes triumph right – so it is said. Turning back the clock….. I

Why Kinesiology? Read More »

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