

Peace at heart

Oh, the serenity

Every year it seems that life just gets a little busier and every year I find I appreciate the importance of ‘re-charging’ a little more. Is it coincidence? Intuitively I know how important it is. All the science agrees, yet…

MIDyear S.T.O.C.K.T.A.K.E

Photo by Becca McHaffie on Unsplash

The lure of a clothing bargain is so tempting and whether I need it or not, every new item adds a little more pressure to my bulging wardrobe.  Some of these purchases are not worn and conceal the items I love to wear.  Maybe you can relate? This got me thinking…

THRIVE Series for Women

Each component in this series has been carefully formulated to target important aspects in a woman’s life and is applicable at any age. Interested? Click on the programs below to read more…

Program 1

Program 2

Program 3

MENtorship Series


Programs for men who want to direct their life in a way that’s important to them. Soon to be released. Send your expression of interest to essentialdifference@gmail.com

What’s New in Services

Click here to find out

Standardising Price

As of 1st July 2019 prices for all services will be standardised in accordance with current hourly pricing.

x Rosetta

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