Peace at heart
Every year it seems that life just gets a little busier and every year I find I appreciate the importance of ‘re-charging’ a little more. Is it coincidence? Intuitively I know how important it is. All the science agrees, yet…
MIDyear S.T.O.C.K.T.A.K.E
The lure of a clothing bargain is so tempting and whether I need it or not, every new item adds a little more pressure to my bulging wardrobe. Some of these purchases are not worn and conceal the items I love to wear. Maybe you can relate? This got me thinking…
THRIVE Series for Women
Each component in this series has been carefully formulated to target important aspects in a woman’s life and is applicable at any age. Interested? Click on the programs below to read more…
MENtorship Series
Programs for men who want to direct their life in a way that’s important to them. Soon to be released. Send your expression of interest to
What’s New in Services
Standardising Price
As of 1st July 2019 prices for all services will be standardised in accordance with current hourly pricing.
x Rosetta